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Electrical Services: What Is PAT Testing?

Pat Test

Portable appliance testing (PAT) is one of many electrical services that is useful for landlords and business owners. Getting equipment checked is good for both domestic and commercial settings. The assessment involves making sure appliances and equipment are safe for use.

The test needs to be carried out by a competent individual, which is why it’s best to call in professionals. It starts with a visual inspection, making sure there are no issues with the exterior of a device. It will look for things like damaged wires, fault plugs and any issues with the device itself. The second part of the test uses a special testing machine that is then connected to the device. This will test things like lead polarity and insulation resistance, for example, which will ultimately lead to a pass or a fail.

damaged cable

Is It A Legal Requirement?

PAT testing isn’t a legal requirement. However, in commercial spaces, you must ensure that the equipment is safe. These electrical services will help ensure that, as an employer or landlord, you are maintaining the appliances well.

What Needs To Be Tested?

These electrical services are relevant for any appliance that has a plug. It generally includes anything that can be moved and connected/disconnected from an outlet. This is things like kettles, fans, radios, and hoovers; to name a few. Items come under categories that require different levels of examination. There are Class I and Class II types of appliances, with some equipment not needing a full examination but still requiring a formal visual inspection.

PAT Testing plugs

How Often Do You Need PAT Testing?

There’s no legal timeframe for these electrical services but they should be completed as recommended. Different items will be recommended in various timeframes due to the environment’s level of risk, how often it is us and the nature of the equipment. This could be every year or every four years; it completely depends on what it is and where it is used. For example, offices are low risk so equipment will only need to be tested periodically. A more risky environment, like somewhere that uses construction tools, for example, might require electrical services more often.

For Electrical Services, Call Us Today

If you require the testing of appliances, get in touch with our friendly team today. Our NICEIC-approved electricians can carry out the necessary work to ensure that all appliances are safe and compliant with the latest regulations.


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